Kanjo Acupressure Floor Cushion
Kanjo Acupressure Floor Cushion
Kanjo Acupressure Floor Cushion
Kanjo Acupressure Floor Cushion
Kanjo Acupressure Floor Cushion
Kanjo Acupressure Floor Cushion
Kanjo Acupressure Floor Cushion
Kanjo Acupressure Floor Cushion
Kanjo Acupressure Floor Cushion
Kanjo Acupressure Floor Cushion
Kanjo Acupressure Floor Cushion
Kanjo Acupressure Floor Cushion
Kanjo Acupressure Floor Cushion
Kanjo Acupressure Floor Cushion
Kanjo Acupressure Floor Cushion
Kanjo Acupressure Floor Cushion
Kanjo Acupressure Floor Cushion
Kanjo Acupressure Floor Cushion

Kanjo Acupressure Floor Cushion

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqu:

  • Pain relief
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Sore, aching feet
  • Minor sprains
  • Bruising
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Kanjo Acupressure Floor Cushion


Deliver Relief Straight To Your Muscles, Joints, and Skin With 100% Magnesium Sulfate Kanjo Presents: Your Pure & Natural Epsom Salt:

  • Pain relief
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Sore, aching feet
  • Minor sprains

Bye, bye back pain. Nice to know ya stiff neck.


Kanjo Acupressure Floor Cushion

The Kanjo Acupressure Floor Cushion offers a simple yet effective at-home solution to relieve pain while seated on the floor. Taken from ancient Eastern methodologies used in acupuncture, the natural cork-filled Kanjo Floor Cushion targets acupressure points to reduce pain.

The Kanjo Floor Cushion provides pain relief, elevation for improved posture, and improved circulation while sitting on the floor or during yoga or meditation. Zip the cover flap to hide the acupressure points for a more mild experience.


  • Pain relief while seated on the floor
  • Elevation for improved posture
  • Improved circulation
  • Natural cork fill
  • BPA-free plastic stimulators
  • Cover to hide stimulators for a more mild experience
  • Built-in carry handle



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Relieve neck and back pain, naturally. (Yes, really.)

Traditional healing made modern.

Acupuncture's origins date back to 100 B.C where Chinese practitioners used sharpened stones called "plen" to treat a wide range of illnesses. (People have been relying on this relief method for a long time.)

More popular today than ever, patients regularly seek out acupuncture and acupressure treatment for bodily pain, headaches, insomnia, nausea... the list goes on and on.

The problem? These treatments often require scheduling many appointments with expensive specialists. Finding an acupuncturist you actually trust is another challenge entirely.

We wanted a natural, acupressure solution — for our own aches and pains — we could use when we want, in the comfort of our homes. Pay once, have acupressure treatment for life.

We've accomplished this with our Kanjo Acupressure Mat. We'd love for you to join in the relief with us.

Relieving pain, stress and so much more.

Our acupressure mat works in somewhat... mysterious... ways.

Lying on the mat's stimulators (pointy plastic spikes) might be slightly uncomfortable at first. But it's not long before your body starts to adjust.

Many feel a wave of warmth, pulsing in and out at once. And while this sensation has a clear pain relieving effect on the neck, back and shoulders... it also provides a remarkable sense of relaxation.

Stress, headaches, tension... they just, sort of... melt away...

Really, it's hard to explain. You have to try yourself. (Ask one of the tens of thousands of Kanjo Mat users — they'll know what you're talking about.)

Try the Kanjo Mat yourself. Join the club! Let us know what it feels like for you!

How does the Kanjo Acupressure Mat work?

Deliver Relief Straight To Your Muscles, Joints, and Skin With 100% Magnesium Sulfate Kanjo Presents: Your Pure & Natural Epsom Salt

For hundreds of years, this salt has been used to treat ailments, such as constipation, insomnia, and fibromyalgia. Despite its name, Epsom salt is a completely different compound than table salt. It was most likely termed “salt” because of its chemical structure. When Epsom salt is dissolved in water, it releases magnesium and sulfate ions.

*FSA/HSA eligible

There are no criteria that need to be met in order to use your FSA or HSA dollars for your new Acupressure Mat Set. At Kanjo, we understand how important it is to make our treatments available for those who need them most. Simply use your FSA or HSA card at checkout to begin your at-home therapy.