Acupressure For Toothaches: Best Pressure Points

A toothache is a terrible thing. It hurts, it makes eating difficult, and the pain can range from mild to agonizing. 

Fortunately, there are a number of natural remedies that can help relieve a toothache, especially with non-invasive, safe acupressure. In this article, we will go over the best pressure points to use for relieving a toothache.

If you've never tried acupressure before, then you might not know where to begin. But once you learn how to apply these pressure points correctly, you'll be able to get rid of any type of toothache quickly. 

Man with Toothache

How Acupressure Works for Tooth Pain

Acupressure will temporarily relieve the pain that comes from an infected or inflamed tooth. The underlying reason for the toothache won't be treated by acupressure, so you should still visit your dentist or doctor. 

Acupressure is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that has been used in China for thousands of years. The basic premise behind acupressure is that certain areas on your body have energy meridians or channels that run through them.

When these meridians become blocked, they create tension on various parts of your body. This tension causes pain, which can manifest itself as a headache, back pain, shoulder pain, and even a toothache.

When you apply acupressure to a pressure point, you're actually stimulating those meridians by applying gentle pressure and massage. This stimulates the release of endorphins, which increases blood flow and circulation to reduce the pain associated with the blockage. 

Here are the Best Pressure Points for Toothaches

These are the top pressure points for oral pain relief from the toothache. 

For all the pressure points below, these are the steps to apply pressure and massage for relief:

  1. On the pressure point, place your thumb or 1-2 fingers. Common fingers for applying pressure are the index and middle fingers.
  2. Press and hold for 5 seconds on the pressure point. Take slow, deep breaths while applying pressure.
  3. Slowly and gently start to massage the point using a circular motion for 2 minutes. 
  4. Repeat the pressure and massage cycle 5 times for each pressure point.

You can repeat the cycle a few times throughout the day for additional relief. 

1. Gallbladder 21 (GB 21) - Jianjing or The Shoulder Well 

Gallbladder 21 (GB 21) Pressure Points

The Jianjing pressure points are found on both shoulders, between the end of the shoulders and the base of the neck. 

Pressure and massage on these points will help to relieve your toothache and jaw pain. They'll also offer relief to headaches, neck pain and stiffness, and shoulder pain. 

2. Large Intestine 4 (LI 4) - Hegu or Union Valley 

Large Intestine 4 (LI 4) Pressure Point

The Hegu pressure points are found in the groove that's between the thumb and index finger on the back of both hands.  

Stimulating these points will help with toothaches, headaches, anxiety,  neck pain, and constipation. Pressure and massage here are great before going to bed. 

3. Small Intestine 18 (SI18) - Quanliao or Cheekbone Crevice

Small Intestine 18 (SI18) Pressure Point

The Quanliao pressure point is found in the hollow area of the cheekbone. From the outside corner of the eye, head down to the cheekbone. 

Applying firm pressure and massaging here will relieve toothaches, along with sinus congestion and pain. 

4. Stomach 6 (ST 6) - Jiache or Jawbone

Stomach 6 (ST 6) Pressure Point

The Jiache acupressure points are located halfway from the bottom of your earlobes to the corner of your mouth. The quick way to find the points is to clench your teeth and flex your cheeks. The jaw muscles that flex are where you want to stimulate. 

Massaging these points will offer relief to your toothache, as well as reduce swelling, pain, and spasms in the jaw. 

5. Stomach 36 (ST 36) - Zusanli or Three Mile Point

Stomach 36 (ST 36) Pressure Point

The Zusanli pressure points are found below each kneecap. Find them by measuring four finger-widths below a kneecap and one finger-width to the outside of the shinbone. 

Stimulating this point will help relieve a toothache, nausea, stress, knee pain, and digestive issues. It can also help re-energize your legs. 

How to Massage the Pressure Points for Toothache Relief

For all the pressure points below, these are the steps to apply pressure and massage for relief:

  1. On the pressure point, place your thumb or 1-2 fingers. Common fingers for applying pressure are the index and middle fingers.

  2. Press and hold for 5 seconds on the pressure point. Take slow, deep breaths while applying pressure.

  3. Slowly and gently start to massage the point using a circular motion for 2 minutes.

  4. Repeat the pressure and massage cycle 5 times for each pressure point.

You can repeat the cycle a few times throughout the day for additional relief.

The amount of pressure you feel could be uncomfortable, but should not be painful. If it's painful with light pressure, you should see a doctor or dentist.

When to See a Dentist or Doctor

Whenever you have issues with your teeth or jaw, you should see your dentist or doctor. Acupressure will give you some temporary relief until you can get in to see your dentist or doctor,  but it won't solve any problems.

Contact your doctor or dentist if you are experiencing these symptoms: 

  • Unusual bleeding from the mouth. 
  • Difficulty breathing or swallowing.
  • Feeling weak or dizzy.
  • Severe pain that's continuing to worsen.
  • Fever. 
  • Swelling in your mouth, neck, or face.  

Women Seeing Dentist for Toothache

Acupressure for Toothaches Final Thoughts

Acupressure is an easy and effective method for temporary pain relief from toothaches. You don’t need any special equipment or skills to use it. All you need is a little time and patience. By stimulating the right pressure points, you can quickly feel better. 

To avoid toothaches in the future, practicing proper oral hygiene will help reduce tooth decay and other dental issues. 

Acupressure for Toothaches FAQs

Is Acupressure for Tooth Pain Effective?

Acupressure can temporarily help reduce toothaches by stimulating pressure points, but it will not resolve the cause of the toothache. For example, acupressure will not be able to fix cavities or nerve damage, but it can help reduce the pain you experience. 

Why is My Toothache Worse at Night?

Lying down when going to sleep is the main reason that your toothache is worse at night. When you lie down, blood will more easily circulate to your mouth and head, so the throbbing sensation from blood flow is more noticeable than when you're standing or sitting during the day. 




  • Medical News Today:
  • Healthline:
  • Dental Partners of Fifth Avenue:
  • NYSRA Web:



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