7 Pressure Points for Hip Pain Relief

A common ailment of aging, hip pain affects a huge portion of the middle-aged and elderly population.

As time passes and our bodies feel its effects, the cartilage and sinew that join one bone to the next is gradually worn away. This most commonly occurs around the hip area.

In life, our legs do a huge amount of work. They are arguably the most active part of our bodies!

Huge amounts of stress and pressure are therefore generated at the point where the leg joins to the hip.

It’s this continual pressure that wears our joints down to (eventually) nothing and causes us to experience pain.

Luckily, one time-tested method can be very effective for overcoming this affliction: Acupressure for hip pain!

Acupressure Points for Hip Pain Relief

1. Gallbladder 29 (GB 29) - Ju Liao or Stationary Crevice

Gallbladder 29 (GB 29) Pressure Point

Ju Liao or Stationary Crevice is an essential hip pressure point for relieving hip-joint pain.

Stimulation of this point has an immense benefit for the hips, as well as for lower extremities such as the toes.

As the name suggests, this pressure point for hip pain is the 29th point located along the gallbladder meridian line.

You can find it yourself in the depression between your anterior superior iliac spine and the greater trochanter.

This pressure point can be stimulated to relieve hip pain daily if needed!

With time, consistent application of pressure will clear any obstructions in the area- so daily activation is highly recommended.

Additionally, pressure should be applied to the Ju Liao point on each side. This helps with not only hip pain but lower back support and muscular atrophy as well.

2. Gallbladder 30 (GB 30) - Huantiao or Jumping Round

Gallbladder 30 (GB 30)

Huantiao, or Jumping Round, is a set of two possible points where you can apply acupressure for hip pain.

Each point is located on the lateral side of each buttock, equidistant between the base and the top of the hip bone.

Stimulating both help with hip pain on either side. Acupressure at these points also provides lumbar support, something that is closely related to healthy hips.

Strong posture produces healthy strides. This creates less pressure on the hips than a slouched and awkward gait.

3. Gallbladder 31 (GB 31) - Feng Shi or Wind Market

Gallbladder 31 (GB 31) Pressure Point

Feng Shi or Wind Market is an essential hip pressure point, one of the best for pain relief. Putting acupressure on this point is sure to ease whatever hip pain you’re currently feeling.

Here’s how to find this pressure point:

First, locate the popliteal fossa. For those who are unfamiliar, this can be found at the back of your knees in the shallow depression behind the joint.

You will be able to find Feng Shi about 9 inches above the transverse popliteal crease, below the greater trochanter.

There is an easier method if, like me, you’re daunted by medical terminology and need the finer details in layman’s terms.

To locate the Wind Market, simply stand upright with your hands at your sides. Around where the middle finger of your hand touches your leg is where GB-31 can be found!

As hip pain pressure points go, it’s hard to find one more effective at immediately relieving hip pain symptoms.

4. Gallbladder 34 (GB 34) - Yang Mound Spring

Gallbladder 34 (GB 34)

Yang Mound Spring is considered by acupressure practitioners as the master point for treating ligaments and tendons. It has the ability to bring smooth flexibility to both.

As mentioned above, these ligaments and tendons wear away over time, causing acute and chronic pain. Therefore, their treatment is essential in the wider domain of using acupressure for hip pain.

Yang Mound Spring can be found on the lower leg’s lateral aspect. You’ll find a depression on the outside calf bone, otherwise known as the anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula.

Stimulate this point to experience effective acupressure for hip pain. By stimulating your Yang Mound Spring, a myriad of points along the path of the gallbladder can be relieved of their ills.

The hip is adjacent to the head, neck, shoulders, and sides of the ribcage, leading to the sides of the leg.

All of these points may help ease cramps and spasms, and acupressure can also have the effect of nourishing the tendons in each area.

Easing hip pain in this manner has run-on effects, too. Applying pressure at the Yang Mound Spring may also be able to help with sciatica, a condition that attacks the lower legs.

Curing one issue often positively affects another, seeing as they’re connected not just by joints but by the same meridian line.

5. Gallbladder 40 (GB 40) - Qiu Xu or Mound of Ruins

 Gallbladder 40 (GB 40)

Qiu Xu, or Mound of Ruins, is an area of the body primarily used to cure any and all foot-related ills. It is particularly effective for malleolus swelling.

However, as we have seen in previous sections, the body is an interrelated system.

All pressure points are on one line or another, with similar pressure points. Applying acupressure to any can have flow-on effects above and beyond its original intention!

Therefore, while Qui Xu is important for treating swollen feet, it also acts as a prominent pressure point for hip pain. When this point is pressurized, tension is also released.

Your shoulders, neck, and most importantly hips will release the tension, allowing you to relax more. This pressure point can also protect your lower extremities against muscular atrophy.

The combination of positive attributes makes Mound of Ruins a very important hip pain pressure point when it comes to easing discomfort.

6. Gallbladder 44 (GB 44) - Zu Qiao Qin or Yin Portals of the Foot

Gallbladder 44 (GB 44)

Zu Qiao Qin, or Yin Portals of the Foot, is the 44th point found on the gallbladder meridian.

It should be noted here that one of the run-on effects of chronic hip pain is leg pain. This is due to the adjustments made in your walking style to accommodate for and alleviate hip pain.

By stimulating the Yin Portals of the Foot, it’s possible for you to relieve any and all pain in your legs. The relief achieved will also help to ease hip pain.

The leg and hip are connected along the meridian, as well as many other body parts. 

To find acupoint GB 44, look at your foot. You’ll be able to find this point on the lateral side of your fourth toe, 0.1 inches to the back of the toenail corner.

Stimulate this point to heal your legs and at the same time relieve your hip pain as well.

7. Bladder 48 (B 48 or BL 48)

Bladder 48 (B 48 or BL 48)

The final set of hip pressure points listed in this article, BL 48 relieves hip, back, and buttock pain.

Each point is located in the bony area to the right and left of the buttocks, at the bottom of your spine.

Tools for Hip Pain Relief

1. Foam Roller

Foam rollers are fantastic tools for hip pain relief that provide an alternative to the practice of acupressure. They are based on similar principles. The tool here is a roller, rather than your hands and fingers.

A foam roller is capable of releasing tension from your muscles similar to the way a trained acupressure practitioner does. They are commonly used in physical therapy as well.

More specifically, it loosens the fascia- a layer of connective tissue that holds your muscles in place.

These are prone to becoming dense and/or stiff with inactivity, which is a condition that a supposed two-minute rolling session can fix.

Though less targeted than acupressure, using a foam roller for curing hip pain may nevertheless produce beneficial results.

This is achieved by relaxing a whole fascia network, rather than pressurizing single, interconnected points.

2. Osteopressure

Osteopressure is the practice of applying pressure to certain areas for pain relief.

The acupoint that will help the most when it comes to osteopressure treatment is one at the crotch level on the outside of your hip.

With a hand on the inside of your knee, apply osteopressure to the acupoint.

Push back against this pressure with your knee, then relax. After several repetitions, you should feel a point where your inside thigh muscles begin to flex.

3. Massage Ball


Kanjo Acupressure Relief Massage Balls

Small, perfectly rounded balls are ideal for relieving stress buildup in those areas that we are unable to easily massage ourselves with our fingers.

As such, massage balls are a great alternative to using acupressure for hip pain.

They are easy to transport in a gym bag and are a straightforward way to quickly and easily bring relief to tense areas.

For hip pain, place the ball between a wall and the tense area. Using the ball as a fulcrum, allow it to apply pressure to your tense point.

Move in circles so that the massage ball rolls over the full extent of your sore hip, and continue for no more than 10-15 minutes.

The sensation you feel should be one of absolute relief, rather than further pain and discomfort. Be sure to stop if you feel pain.

Start off slow and take it easy.

Check out Kanjo's massage balls to that are made to hit the acupressure points and offer you relief. There are two main types: 

  1. Kanjo Acupressure Massage Balls
  2. Kanjo Vibrating Acupressure Balls

4. Stretching

Many stretching techniques have been developed with the goal of alleviating hip pain. Some of these are listed as follows:

  • Standing Quadriceps Stretch: Start by standing upright, with the back of a chair or other stationary structure in front of you to hold for balance.
    Then, bend one leg while standing upon the other and begin to grasp your lifted foot. Pulling it behind you, as closely into your buttocks as flexibility allows.
    This will generate a stretching feeling in the front of your left thigh. Hold for 10-30 seconds, then repeat with your other leg.

  • The Pretzel Stretch: Start by lying on your back, feet on the floor, with knees bent. Take your right ankle and bring it to rest on your left knee.
    After this step, your right knee should point directly sideways.
    Then, grasp your left thigh with all your might, and tug it in towards your torso.
    You should feel a stretching sensation in your hip and buttock. Hold for a similar timeframe as the previous stretch, before swapping legs.

These two stretches in particular are extraordinary for gradual hip pain relief, in much the same way that acupressure for hip pain works. They allow the affected area to relax, increasing blood flow and the rate of healing.

What Causes Hip Pain?

Woman In Pain on Hips

Here are a few of the main factors behind hip pain:

  1. Overuse: Hip flexor muscles can be worn away after years of repetitive movements or postures. This cause is often attributed to hip pain in athletes.
  2. Poor Posture When Sitting: Over long periods of time, slouched seating positions and having your knees above your hips (such as when relaxed on a couch) can drastically increase the likelihood of hip pain.
  3. Ignoring Pain: Hip pain can start as a small irritation. It is crucial that you do not ignore this irritation and “walk it off” - this is how minor injuries are exacerbated into major conditions!

How to Prevent Hip Pain

Couple Jogging

Here are a few ways in which you can prevent hip pain effectively:

  1. Listen to your Body: First and foremost, it’s extremely important to obey what your body says. We all feel little nags from time to time, ranging from small twinges to sharp, fleeting sensations.
    Many of these, while innocuous, are indicative of larger issues. By catching the warning signs of a bad hip early, you may be able to begin treatment before your injury becomes severe.
  2. Keep fit: Daily exercise that is continuous and sustainable (rather than shockingly intense) is one of the keys to long-lasting, healthy hips.

Try to stretch as much as you can within exercise sessions as well, always maintaining correct form throughout. It’s also extremely important to maintain a healthy weight and diet.

Carrying around extra weight puts unnecessary stress on your joints, and will contribute to their gradual decay. Eating right helps with managing weight, with the bonus of beneficial nutrients. 

Vitamin C helps to form collagen, a substance that acts as a cushion to your hip bone within its pocket. This can help to prevent it from rubbing up against bone, minimizing pain.

Other dietary factors include eating anti-inflammatory and antioxidant-rich foods. Make it a habit, and your hips have a very good chance of aging well!

Acupressure for Hip Pain Final Thoughts

Acupressure for hip pain is an effective pain relief method and a time-tested healing practice.

You can always visit a professional for the treatment you require. Alternatively, with the help of the tips above, feel free to try it out on yourself.

The steps are simple, and the rewards are well worth it. Study the pressure points detailed above, and free yourself from chronic pain for good.




  • https://tcmtips.com/9-easy-acupuncture-points-for-hip-pain/
  • http://www.resetwellness.ca/blog/2017/12/30/2-points-for-eliminating-lower-back-and-hip-pain
  • https://www.liebscher-bracht.com/en/encyclopedia-of-pain/hip-pain/pressure-points/
  • https://www.theathomeexperience.com/blog/the-reflexology-minute-hips
  • https://www.painwhisperer.com/trigger-point-hip-pain
  • https://integrativephysicaltherapyservices.com/trigger-point-work-for-your-hip-pain/
  • https://www.painscience.com/articles/spot-06-gluteus-medius.php


  • Thank u so much for these informations. Great!!!

    Nestor Bonitillo on
  • Thank you for this information,it has greatly relieved my hip pain .❤️🕯️

    Margaret on
  • Great tips with good descriptions.

    Julia on

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