10 Hand Pressure Points That Will Help You Feel Better

Pressure points on the hand offer easy access to a number of energy meridians and are used in traditional Chinese medicine for healing purposes.

This article will cover hand pressure points that will help you feel better in different areas of your body. These hand pressure points are proven to relieve stress, anxiety, and depression. They also help you sleep better, reduce headaches, and increase energy levels.

We'll take a look at each point, where they're located, and how to apply these hand pressure points to your daily routine to start feeling better through acupressure and hand reflexology.

Hand Pressure Points for Relief

10 Hand Pressure Points

These are the top pressure points on the hand that will offer relief from pain, stress, anxiety, and more.

Hand acupressure points are easily accessible, using the other hand and fingers to apply pressure, stimulate the points, and massage for relief. 

For all the pressure points below, follow these steps to apply pressure and self-massage:

  1. Depending on positioning and what offers best leverage, place your thumb or 1-2 fingers on the pressure point. Common fingers to stimulate points are the index and middle fingers.
  2. Apply firm pressure on the pressure point and hold it for 5 seconds. Take slow, deep breaths while applying pressure and massaging.
  3. Slowly and gently massage the pressure point using a circular motion for 2 minutes. 
  4. Repeat the pressure and circular massage on your other hand.
  5. Repeat the cycle 5 times on each hand. 

You can repeat the cycle a few times throughout the day. 

1. Heart 7 (HT 7) - Shenmen or Spirit Gate

Heart 7 (HT 7) Pressure Point

The Shenmen pressure point is found on the inner wrist crease by following it down from the pinkie finger.

Applying pressure to this point will help with anxiety, stress, insomnia, irritability, and chest palpitations. 

2. Pericardium 6 (PC 6 or P 6) - Neiguan or Inner Frontier Gate

Pericardium 6 (PC 6 or P 6) Pressure Points

The Inner Gate pressure point is on the inner side of your forearm and wrist. It's 3 finger widths from the wrist crease. 

Stimulation of this point helps offer anxiety, nausea, motion sickness, and insomnia relief. 

3. Triple Warmer 5 (TH 5 or TE 5) - Waiguan or Outer Frontier Gate

Triple Warmer 5 (TH 5 or TE 5) Pressure Point

The Outer Gate acupressure point is found on the outer side of the forearm (back of the wrist). It's located 2 finger widths from the wrist crease. 

Stimulating this point will help with headaches and migraines, and neck pain and stiffness. It will also offer relief from pain in the hands, elbow, forearm, and wrists. 

4. Small Intestine 3 (SI 3) - Houxi or Back Stream

Small Intestine 3 (SI 3)

The SI 3 pressure point is on the side of both hands just below the pinkie finger and just above the hand’s first large crease.

This point offers relief from headaches, earaches, neck pain, and upper back. 

5. Lung Meridian (LU)

Lung Meridian (LU) Line Pressure Points

The Lung Meridian contains multiple pressure points from the thumb tip down to just below the wrist crease. 

Pressure and massage on these points along the lung meridian will help relieve cold symptoms, including sore throat, sneezing, and chills. 

6. Wrist Point 1

Wrist Point 1 Pressure Point

This pressure point is located on the wrist crease, in the same line as our pinkie finger. 

Stimulation of the Wrist Point 1 will help control emotions, anxiety, and help promote happiness. 

7. Base of Thumb Point

Wrist Point 1 Pressure Points

The Base of Thumb point is also found on your wrist crease. Follow your thumb down to the wrist and you will find the pressure point. 

Pressure and massage on this point will help with breathing and respiratory issues. 

8. Large Intestine 4 (LI 4) - Hegu or Joining/Hand Valley Point

Large Intestine 4 (LI 4) Pressure Point

The LI 4 pressure point is located on the back of the hand, in the groove between your thumb and index finger. 

Gently massaging this point will help relieve anxiety and stress, headaches, toothaches, constipation, and neck pain and stiffness. This is a popular point to apply pressure for a better night's sleep. 

9. Ten Dispersions

Ten Dispersions Pressure Points on Fingertips

As the name suggests, there are 10 of these pressure points. Each point is on the fingertips of each hand. 

Stimulating these points with pressure will help offer relief from common flu symptoms, including a sore throat or high fever. There are some reflexology practitioners who also say that these points can help with epilepsy and a coma. 

10. Four Seams

Four Seams Pressure Points

The four seams are found on the inside of non-thumb fingers - the index finger, middle finger, ring finger, and pinkie finger. 

Applying pressure to these points will help with gastrointestinal and digestive issues. 

Hand Pressure Points Final Thoughts

Acupressure and acupuncture on hand pressure points have been around for thousands of years. They're not new, but they've certainly become more popular over the years for the relief that they provide. 

Acupressure is safe and effective when used correctly, and many people swear by it. There's little to no risk unless you are pregnant or have another medical condition. Be sure to see a doctor if you have any concerns before trying acupressure. 

Hand Pressure Points FAQs

What techniques are used in hand reflexology?

Hand reflexology techniques include pressure by pinching and kneading, rotations, sliding, and hooking with your thumbs and fingers. Hand reflexology uses pressure points on the hands to stimulate energy flow throughout the body. These points correspond to different parts of the body to improve circulation, relieve stress, and promote healing. 

What does it mean if a reflexology point hurts?

If you feel pain when you press a reflexology point, it usually means that the pressure is too strong. You should try pressing the point again, but this time, apply less pressure. As the tension knots loosen, the pain should dissipate over the following sessions. If the pain persists though, then you should consult your doctor.

How do you do hand reflexology at home?

Performing hand reflexology at home on yourself can be done without additional tools. Start by relaxing one of your hands and using your other hand to apply pressure and massage different hand pressure points. Stimulating these points will help relieve stress, reduce pain, and improve circulation to feel better overall. 

There are also some tools that will help you more easily perform hand reflexology or make the massaging more effective. If you have weaker fingers and are not able to apply sufficient pressure, these Kanjo products can help: 

Many of these are named to reflect foot pain relief, but they can also be used on the hands. The techniques used for foot reflexology are the same as hand reflexology. 

Combining reflexology and acupressure with an oil or ointment will also help when massaging the various pressure points. 

Which is better hand or foot reflexology?

Both hand and foot reflexology are effective, but there have been studies with patients saying that foot reflexology is more effective in reducing pain. Both of these are ways to improve circulation, reduce muscle spasms, increase relaxation, and decrease anxiety. The pressure points on the foot will access more areas of the body than those on the hand.

How do you release tension in your hands?

You can relieve stress by massaging your forearms, palms, and fingers with a warm washcloth. Warming your hands will help relax them and encourage circulation. That will help relieve tension in your hands. 

Tension in your hands often comes from repetition and overuse. Try to avoid repetitive movements like typing and gripping objects non-stop. Always make sure to rest your hands and take breaks to help prevent strain and injury. 




  • Healthline: https://www.healthline.com/health/hand-pressure-points
  • Medical News Today: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324699
  • Prevention: https://www.prevention.com/health/a32336642/hand-pressure-points/
  • Well and Good: https://www.wellandgood.com/hand-pressure-points/


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